
Posts Tagged ‘Skywriter blog’

A ruptured pipeline has just spilled 4,000 gallons of toxic coal ash into the north Potomac River, reports Pete Altman at NRDC’s Switchboard blog:

The Maryland Department of the Environment just reported that a ruptured pipeline carrying wet coal ash has spilled 4,000 gallons of the toxic-laden stuff into the North Branch of the Potomac River, in Luke, MD.

I don’t know how long it’ll take for the spill to reach DC proper, but its a hell of a way to send a message about how much we need to regulate the handling of this stuff. All the more reason to thank the Obama Administration for announcing plans to propose federal regulations for coal waste.


Google Earth image of the North Branch of the Potomac and site of the spill

I hate to see this happen, but hopefully it will provide the kick in the pants Congress needs to regulate coal combustion waste.  Please take this timely opportunity to visit 1Sky’s Skywriter blog and tell Congress to prevent the next coal waste disaster by passing a moratorium on new coal plants.

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